Avondhu Board Bye Laws

Avondhu Board Bye Laws
Bye Laws / Regulations Of The Avondhu Board
- All playing fields under the jurisdiction of the Avondhu Board shall be inspected by Members of the Executive Committee of the Avondhu Board as to suitability to stage games.
- The Avondhu Board Executive Committee shall initiate a development fund for its Members (Clubs)
- The Executive Committee must support matters affecting CCC decisions which come to a vote at an open Board Meeting.
- If a club involved in incidents has a representative on the Executive Committee/CCC they will not be allowed to attend while the report is being considered.
- (a)The Competitions Control Committee CCC of the Avondhu Board consist of 5 officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary,Tresurer. Pro) Plus Referees Administrator plus 2 Board Members 1 from No 1 Area and 1 From No 2 Area.The 2 Board Members can only Serve 3 consecutive occasions to the CCC after which time they cannot be a member of the CCC for at least 1 year
(b)The Executive Committee of the Avondhu Board consist of 7 officers and 10 Board Members 5 From No1 area. And 5 from No 2 Area. But only one representative per club be on the Executive - Travelling expenses shall be paid to team lining out when opposing team fails to line out without prior notice to the travelling team. The Executive Committee to decide amount to be paid.
- The Treasurer’s & Secretaries Reports shall be made available one week prior to AGM (Convention)
- The names of the winners shall be put on cups annually. This responsibility shall rest with the team winning the particular championship or league.
- Holders of cups shall have cups back with Divisional chairman 4 weeks prior to ensuing Divisional final. If a club fails to comply with this rule, the CCC Committee will penalize the club by means of a fine and if any repairs have to be carried out on cups, clubs will also bear the cost. This applies to championship and league trophies.
- The following are the Hurling Championship Grades in the Avondhu Board, Junior A Hurling Junior B Hurling, & Junior C Hurling .The Winners of Junior B & C Competitions will be entitled to Request to be promoted to a Higher grade if Club not already in Competition
- The Following are the Football Championship Grades in the Avondhu Board, Junior A Football. Junior B 1 Football & Junior B 2 Football, The Winners of of Junior B 1 & B 2 Competitions will be entitled to Request to be promoted to a Higher grade if Club not already in Competition
- The U21 A & B Hurling and Football Championships shall be run on the basis of a system by which a team beaten in Rd 1 of the championship is given a second chance. Or in the event of there were only 4 teams in the Competition a Round Robin system will apply.
- If there are Clubs in the Division who want to play U21 C Grades in both Hurling & Football @ 12 or 13 aside the Board will provide such a Competition for a Minimum of 3 Team.
- All applications for tournaments must be accompanied by the necessary fee of €20. Applications must also state purpose of tournament and teams involved in the tournament. Six days notices must be given to the Board for all tournament games
- The Referees of Avondhu have to have their Expenses back (Referees Reports) to the Ruani of the Board no later than 19th October every in order to get paid for that Year all Expenses after this date will go into the following Year. Referees Expenses are as Follows League Match €30 Championship Match €40, Championship Match with 2nd Car €55
- (a) Teams that win the Junior B Hurling North Cork Championship are not Compelled to compete In the Junior A Hurling Championship the following year unless they have won the J B hurling Championship 2 years in a row or they win the County Junior B Hurling Championship.
(b) Teams that win the Junior B 1 Football North Cork Championship are not compelled to compete in the Junior A Football championship the following year unless they have won the Junior B 1 football Championship 2 years in a row or they win the County Junior B Football Championship - The Following limitations in terms of office shall apply;
A member may not serve for more than three consecutive years as Chairperson, and having served such a term, shall be ineligible for a period of one year to contest an election for the offices of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Development officer, Youth officer, Public Relations officer, officer for Irish Language and Culture,
(b) A member may not serve for more than three consecutive years as Vice-Chairperson And having served such a term shall be ineligible for a period of a year to contest the elections for the offices of Vice Chairperson, Development officer, Youth officer, Public Relations officer, officer for Irish Language and Culture.
(c) A member may not serve more than three consecutive years in any one or Combination of the following offices, Development Officer, Youth Officer, Public Relations Officer, Officer for Irish Language and Culture, Coaching Officer, and, having served such a term shall be ineligible for a period of one year to contest an election for any one of these offices. - The Avondhu Board Executive Committee gives preference to holding its meetings in a GAA Clubhouse where suitable premises exist and only use other facilities when really Necessary.
- The CCC of The Avondhu Board will Disqualify Teams from Championship under the following Rule; Rule 6.23 of official Guide 1 Disqualification
The Penalties for a Club/Unit failing to fulfil a Championship Game shall be as follows:
(a) In a ‘Knock-Out’ Game - the Club shall be Disqualified from the Championship and the Game Awarded to the Opposing Team.
(b) In a ‘League Stage’ of a Championship – (i) For a First Failure - the Game shall be Awarded to the Opposing Team, but without Disqualification, subject to the condition below. If in the opinion of the Committee-in-Charge, the failure to field was for an ulterior purpose, affecting the position(s) of other Club(s), the defaulting Club may at the discretion of the Committee, be disqualified from the Championship. (ii) For a Second Failure – a Club shall be Disqualified from the Championship and the Game shall be Awarded to the Opposing Team.
(c) A Club/Unit shall be compelled to pay any Fine imposed for loss of revenue by the Committee-in-Charge and all vouched reasonable expenses incurred, and failure to do so shall involve a Suspension of forty eight weeks.
(d) A Club failing to give two clear days notice in writing, of its intention not to fulfil a Championship Game shall be liable to a Suspension of 24 weeks.
(e) The Procedures stated in Rule 7.3 shall be followed. - The Avondhu Junior Hurling and Football finals are played at alternate venues each year.
- The venues for semi-finals of the Avondhu Junior A Hurling and Football Championships be rotated in the same manner as the finals.
- The clubs are allowed two officials Plus Two Medical People to come onto the field to attend to an injured player.
- The clubs who did not return gate receipts will not be considered for championship fixtures.
- Clubs to be fined €7 for every five minutes late for games or part thereof. Clubs are allowed 15 minutes grace for an evening game timed before 8pm. Games timed for morning, afternoon or an evening game timed for 8pm will have no concessions.
- No Seating for Public in SideLine is allowed for all championship games and knockout stages of the leagues. All togged off players plus 10 other passes be allowed into Sideline. Referees and Umpire passes are not acceptable as sideline passes
- Monday and Thursday nights are to be kept free of junior board fixtures to allow Coiste na nOg use of the venues to run off their competitions.
- That in the event of the death of an immediate family member of a player on the team panel that the CCC of the Avondhu Board has the authority to postpone the fixture. Should the Postponement be Granted the CCC of the Avondhu Board have the right to refix the Fixture in the absence of an agreement between the 2 Clubs involved.
- That an Runai of the Avondhu Junior Board be appointed automatically as Delegate to the County Board. Both Avondhu County Board Delegates would have a vote at the Avondhu Board Meetings.