County Bye Laws
Coiste Chontae Chorcaí | Bye-Laws 2014
County Convention
1. Nominations for County Officers (excluding the Childrens’ Officer), Delegates etc. shall be sent to County Secretary one month before Convention. A candidate must receive a nomination, submitted on official form, signed in Irish by a Club Secretary and be a member of the Association in accordance with Rules 2.1 and 2.2 T.O. 2011. and the Club of which he is a duly registered member must appear after his name on the Ballot Paper. Two Ballot Papers shall be sent to each Club, and one to each member of the Board two weeks previous to Convention, and returned by registered post to County Secretary on or before Friday previous to Convention. Each Club
Ballot paper shall be accompanied by a declaration to the effect that the Ballot paper has been marked in accordance with the decisions taken at a properly convened and constituted Club Meeting, and the declaration shall be signed by the Club Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Honorary Secretary. Previous to the nomination papers being sent out, a small Election Committee shall be appointed to make all the necessary arrangements in connection with the County Convention, and to deal with the scrutiny of votes.
The Officers of the County Committee, excluding the Childrens’ Officer, shall be elected on the basis of Proportional Representation. This system shall also apply to election of Central and Munster Council Representatives. Should a vacancy occur in any of the foregoing positions between Convention and prior to September 1st, the vacancy shall be filled in like manner, i.e. (a) nominations by Clubs; (b) Ballot vote of Clubs and members of current County Committee. If the vacancy occurs after September 1st, the position shall be left vacant until the next County Convention.
The Childrens’ Officer shall be appointed on the recommendation of the outgoing County Committee.
The following limitations in terms of Office shall apply:
A. A member may not serve for more than three consecutive years as Chairperson, and having served such a term, shall be ineligible for a period of one year to contest an election for the offices of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Development Officer, Public Relations Officer, Officer for Irish Language and Culture and Coaching Officer, or for appointment as Childrens’ Officer
B. A member may not serve for more than three consecutive years as Vice- Chairperson, and having served such a term shall be ineligible for a period of a year to contest the elections for the Offices of Vice Chairperson, Development Officer, Public Relations Officer, Officer for Irish Language and Culture and Coaching Officer or for appointment as Childrens’ Officer
C. A member may not serve more than three consecutive years in any one or combination of the following offices, Development Officer, Public Relations Officer, Officer for Irish Language and Culture, Coaching Officer, and Childrens’ Officer and, having served such a term, shall be ineligible for a period of one year to contest an election/appointment for any one of these offices.
D. “The Office of Treasurer, while subject to Annual Election, is not subject to a Limitation in years of Service”.
2. Motions for County Convention shall be submitted before a specified date. A Sub- Committee, appointed by the County Committee, shall decide whether or not these motions are in order. A motion deemed out of order shall be returned to the Club which submitted it, giving the reason. A further week shall be allowed to enable the Club to resubmit an amended motion.
3. Canvassing either personally or through an agent by candidates for any official position in the Association in the County shall disqualify the candidate concerned
County Committee
4. Membership
The County Committee shall be constituted of one named representative of each affiliated Senior or Intermediate Club participating in Championships, Junior clubs participating in the Junior Championship and which does not have a Senior or Intermediate team or teams participating in the Senior or Intermediate Championship, together with the elected or appointed Officers/Senior Administrator, two named delegates from each Divisional Committee, one named delegate from each of the following Committees - County Handball, County Youth Committee (Coiste na nÓg), County Primary Schools, County Post-Primary Schools, the County Referees’ Administrator, and ex-officio members provided under General Rule, all of whom, with the exceptions of the County Secretary, in that capacity, and the Senior Administrator, shall have voting rights.
5. (a) Divisional selected teams are not entitled to direct representation on County Committee.
(b) A report from the Management Committee, incorporating matters of Report from the other Main Sub-Committees, shall be on the Agenda of each meeting.
6. Meetings
The schedule of the County Committee Meetings shall be recommended by the Management Committee and approved by the County Committee, subject to the following:
(1) The First Meeting in a year shall be on the last Tuesday in January.
(2) Meetings shall be held twice a month in the months of February to July, September and October.
(3) There shall be one meeting in each of the months of August and November.
Additional Special Meetings may be held as is necessary. Meetings shall be at Pairc Ui Chaoímh, Cork on Tuesday evenings at 8.30 p.m.
At least five days notice in writing by ordinary post or email of each meeting of the County Committee shall be given to each Secretary of the Clubs entitled to attend and each member entitled to attend and vote at such meeting. Each notice shall include
(i) The date, time and venue for the meeting,
(ii) The main decisions of the previous meeting,
(iii) A full agenda and
(iv) The matters, if any, upon which a vote is intended to be taken at that meeting.
7. A Club is entitled to change its representative on the County Committee, provided a week's notice in writing is given to the County Secretary. Name of proxy for County Committee representation shall be supplied on affiliation form.
Voting shall be by secret ballot when it relates to individual members of the Association.
8. In case a member wilfully obstructs or interferes with the business of the County Committee, he shall, on a motion proposed and seconded, and carried by a majority of the members present, be suspended for such time as the County Committee may deem advisable, such vote to be by ballot.
In accordance with Rule 3.20, O.G. 2014, the County Committee shall appoint the following Sub-Committees, whose powers and functions shall be as defined in Rule and in these Bye Laws.
9. Management Committee
A Management Committee shall be appointed annually consisting of:
(a) The Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Treasurer, the Development Officer, P.R.O., the Officer for Irish Language and Culture, the Coaching Officer, the Childrens’ Officer and Secretary of County Committee, and Senior Administrator (without voting rights)
(b) Four other members of the County Committee, one to be elected from each of the following categories:
(1) Members representing Senior Clubs.
(2) Members representing Premier Intermediate/Intermediate Clubs.
(3) Members representing Junior Clubs.
(4) Members representing Divisional Committees.
The four members of the County Committee elected from their respective categories to the Management Committee may not serve for more than three consecutive years on the Management Committee and having served such term shall be ineligible for a period of one year to contest an election for that category on the Management Committee.
The Chairperson of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Management Committee. Subject to the overall jurisdiction of the County Committee, the Management Committee shall have responsibility for the Management of the Affairs of the Association within the County between Meetings of the County Committee including:
(1) Policy initiation and implementation.
(2) Finance. The Management Committee shall be the County Finance Committee.
(3) The Nomination, for Appointment of three of its members, including the County Treasurer, on a County Management and Panels Sub-Committee.
(4) The Acquisition, Development, Promotion, and Safety of Grounds owned/controlled (or to be) directly by the County Committee.
(5) General Organisation, relating to Inter County team, as delegated by the County Committee. (The appointment of Team Managements is a matter for the County Committee).
(6) General Discipline not arising from Competitions or Games, other than those functions reserved to the County Hearings Committee.
(7) General Activities.
All Main Sub-Committees of the County Committee shall report directly to the Management Committee, and to the County Committee.
The Management Committee shall support the recommendations of the Competitions Control Committee at County Committee meetings.
The Management Committee shall meet at least once a month, apart from meetings held on the dates of County Committee Meetings.
10. Competitions Control Committee
A Competitions Control Committee shall be appointed annually consisting of:
(a) The Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the P.R.O. of the County Committee, and the Senior Administrator (without voting rights);
(b) One of the four members elected to the Management Committee by the County Committee from Members representing Senior, Premier Intermediate/ Intermediate, Junior Clubs or Divisional Committees, shall be nominated by the Management Committee, for appointment by the County Committee, to the Competitions Control Committee.
(c) The County Referees' Administrator, who shall be entitled to vote only on the appointment of Referees.
The Vice-Chairperson of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Competitions Control Committee.
Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Competitions Control Committee shall be responsible for:
(1) County Committee Fixtures. These fixtures shall be placed before the twice monthly meetings of the County Committee for recording. Where a change is considered necessary between meetings, the Competitions Control Committee shall consult with the Clubs involved, but shall have the power to make a decision. Subject to the jurisdiction of the Competitions Control Committee, Secondary Competition Fixtures shall be compiled by the Public Relations Officer and presented to the County Committee prior to the commencement of the Competitions. The said fixtures shall be placed before the twice monthly meetings of the County Committee.
(2) Appointment of Referees – whose decisions are final.
(3) Referees' Reports - their consideration and adoption.
(4) Discipline arising from Competitions and Games, other than those functions reserved to the County Hearings Committee.
(5) Objections and Counter-Objections relating to or arising out of Games, with power of decision.
(6) Appeals relating to or arising out of Games, Fixtures, and Gradings, against Divisional Committees, County Youth Committee (Coiste na Óg), with power of decision.
(7) Gradings - Clubs and Players, with final decisions resting with the County Committee.
(8) Transfers within the County – subject to General Rule and Bye-Laws.
The Competitions Control Committee shall meet at least once a month, and as often as is necessary.
11. County/Divisional Hearings Committees
(a) A County Hearings Committee, consisting of seven Members, shall be
appointed by the County Committee.
It shall adjudicate on all Disciplinary matters (except Objections and Counter
Objections) where a Hearing is prescribed and requested, relating to the
Enforcement of Rules arising from matters under the jurisdiction of the
County Committee, the County Youth Committee (Coiste na nÓg).
It shall adjudicate, subject to General Rules and Bye-Laws, on Appeals
against decisions of the Competitions Control Committee on Transfers within
the County.
(b) There shall be two Divisional Hearings Committees serving as follows:
(1) Carrigdonn, Carbery, Muskerry and Beara Divisions;
(2) Seandun, Imokilly, Avondhu and Duhallow Divisions.
Each Divisional Hearings Committee shall have a Chairperson and Secretary, appointed by the County Committee on the recommendation of the Management Committee, and one member nominated by each of the four parent Divisional Committees involved.
A Divisional Hearings Committee shall adjudicate on all Disciplinary matters (except Objections and Counter Objections) where a Hearing is prescribed and requested, relating to the Enforcement of Rules arising from matters under the jurisdiction of the relevant Divisional Committees at Parent and Juvenile Committee levels.
A Member shall not adjudicate on a case arising from his own Division. The Committees shall each have a three year Term of Office.
12. Planning, Physical Development and Safety Committee
A Planning and Physical Development Committee shall be appointed, consisting of:
(a) The Development Officer of the County Committee.
(b) Six members of the County Committee, recommended by the Management Committee and appointed by the County Committee, and
(c) Three specialist members recommended by the Management Committee and appointed by the County Committee.
The Development Officer of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Development Committee, and having completed his term as Officer, shall continue as a member of the Committee for a further one year.
The Committee shall be appointed for a period of three years, but composition, related to changes in membership of the County Committee, shall be reviewed annually.
Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Development Committee shall have responsibility for:
(1) Grounds and Physical Development
(2) Club Development
(3) Grounds, Health and Safety
(4) Planning
The Development Committee shall meet at least once a month.
13.Youth Committee
A Youth Committee (distinct from Coiste na nÓg) shall be appointed consisting of:
(a) The Childrens’ Officer and Development Officers of the County Committee.
(b) Three members of the County Committee, recommended by the Management Committee and appointed by the County Committee.
(c) A nominee of each of the following Committees:â¨County Youth Committee (Coiste na nÓg), County Schools' Shields Committee, Post-Primary Schools Committee, (alterable by the Committees concerned), and
(d) Three Co-opted specialist members, appointed by the County Committee.
The Childrens’ Officer of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Committee, and having completed his term as Officer, shall continue as a member of the Committee for a further one year.
The Committee shall be appointed for an initial term of five years, but its composition, related to changes in membership of the County Committee, and its role, shall be reviewed annually. Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Youth Committee shall be responsible for:
(1) Promotion and the Monitoring of Development in the following areas:
(a) County Youth Committee (Coiste na nÓg).
(b) County Schools' Committees.
(2) Co-ordination of all Youth Activities within the County.
The Youth Committee shall meet at least once a month.
14.Coaching & Games Development Committee
A Coaching and Games Development Committee shall be appointed
consisting of:
(a) The Coaching Officer of the County Committee.
(b) Eleven other Specialist Members, recommended by the Management Committee, and appointed by the County Committee.
The Coaching Officer of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Committee, and having completed his term as Officer, shall continue as a member of the Committee for a further one year.
(c) The Games Development Manager shall be Secretary of the Committee. The Committee shall be appointed for a period of three years.
Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Coaching and Games Development Committee shall have responsibility for:
(1) Implementation of Coaching Programmes.
(2) Training and Monitoring of Coaching Personnel.
(3) The Implementation of Games Development Activities at Club and Schools levels.
The Coaching and Games Development Committee shall meet at least once a month.
15.Cultural Committee
A Cultural Committee shall be appointed consisting of:
(a) The Officer for Irish Language and Culture of the County Committee;
(b) Four members of the County Committee recommended by the Management Committee and appointed by the County Committee; and,
(c) Three members recommended by the County Scór Committee, and appointed by the County Committee.
The Officer for Irish Language and Culture of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Cultural Committee, and having completed his term as Officer, shall continue as a member of the Committee for a further one year. The Committee shall be appointed for a period of three years, but its composition, relating to changes in membership of the County Committee, shall be reviewed annually. Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Cultural Committee shall have overall responsibility for the promotion of the Irish Language, and the organisation of the Scór Competitions and other Cultural activities. The County Scór Committee shall be a Subcommittee of the Cultural Committee.
The Cultural Committee shall meet at least once a month.
16.Public Relations/Marketing Committee
A Public Relations / Marketing Committee shall be appointed consisting
(a) The P.R.O. of the County Committee
(b) Four members of the County Committee, recommended by the Management Committee and appointed by the County Committee and
(c) Four other members recommended by the Management Committee and appointed by the County Committee.
The P.R.O. of the County Committee shall be Chairperson of the Committee, and having completed his term as Officer, shall continue as a member of the Committee for a further one year.
The Committee shall be appointed for a period of three years, but its composition, related to changes in membership of the County Committee, shall be reviewed annually.
Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee it shall have responsibility for: Publicity, Marketing and Publications.⨠The Committee shall meet at least once a month.
17.Referees’ Administration Committee
A Referees’ Administration Committee shall be appointed consisting of:
(a) The County Referees Administrator, appointed by the County Committee
(b) Six Specialist Members recommended by the Management Committee, and appointed by the County Committee.
The County Referees Administrator shall be Chairperson of the Referees’ Administration Committee. The Committee shall be appointed for a period of three years. Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Referees’ Administration Committee shall be responsible for the .Development of Refereeing in the County, involving the Recruitment, Training, Assessment and Classification of Referees.
The Committee shall meet at least once a month.
18.Information Technology Committee
An Information Technology Committee shall be appointed consisting of: three Specialist Members recommended by the Management Committee, and appointed by the County Committee, one of whom shall be appointed as Chairperson of the Committee. The Committee shall be appointed for a period of three years. Subject to the jurisdiction of the County Committee and the Management Committee, the Information Technology Committee shall have responsibility for the implementation of Information Technology Systems within the County.
The Information Technology Committee shall meet at least once a month.
19. County Teams Management and Panels Sub-Committee
The membership of the County Teams' Management and Panels' Committee shall be as outlined in the Charter for County Committee / Player relationships as approved by Central Council from time to time.
20. Fixtures Planners
The Management Committees shall appoint two Fixtures Planners whose functions shall be as outlined in Rule 3.20(iii) O.G. 2014.
21. Health and Wellbeing Committee
A Health and Well-Being Committee shall be appointed annually consisting of: the Childrens’ Officer (as Chairperson), the Coaching Officer, the Development Officer, the Officer for Irish Language and Culture, one representative of Coiste na nÓg and two specialists members from Clubs recommended by the Management Committee.
It shall have responsibility for all health related matters referred to it by the County Committee and/or the County Management Committee.
The Committee shall meet at least once a month.
Divisional And Other Sub-Committees
22. The County shall be divided into Divisional areas as decided by the
County Committee. A Divisional Committee,, shall consist of the elected Officers and one member of each Club in the Division.
23. Each Divisional Committee shall hold an Annual General Meeting prior
to County Convention (which shall be held before 31st December each
year). Divisional Reports and Audited Balance Sheets must be in the
hands of County Secretary before each Divisional Convention.
24. Divisional Committees shall have control of all fixtures and finances in
area except Senior, Premier Intermediate and Intermediate and
Championships, Leagues and other Secondary Competitions; Junior ‘B’
County Championships; Inter-Divisional Championships; Minor and
younger grade Competitions.
Subject to the functions reserved to the Divisional Hearings
Committees, Divisional Committees shall have the power to warn, fine and suspend teams and individuals under their jurisdiction for breaches of Rules of the Association or the County Board Bye Laws. All matches, other than those specified, must have the sanction of the Divisional Committee.
25. Divisional Junior Championship teams must be ready to play Inter-Divisional ties by the end of August.
26. A County Youth Committee – Coiste na nÓg – shall have responsibility
for Under-Age affairs from Minor Grade downwards (excluding responsibility for Inter- County Minor Teams). It shall have four Regional Sub-Committees – Central Region, West Region, East Region and North Region.
Coiste na nÓg shall be the sole Under-Age Fixtures making body and shall prepare a Masters Fixtures Plan for all Regions to ensure a co-ordinated Games Structure in the entire County. The Officers of Coiste na nÓg and its Regional Sub-Committees shall be appointed annually by the County Committee on the recommendations of the Management Committee.
27. An independent Committee shall be responsible for Grading of Teams from Under 12 up to and including Minor Grades. It shall monitor performance on an ongoing basis and build information on a Countywide database in the Grades concerned. The Committee shall be appointed by the County Committee on the recommendation of the Management Committee. The Committee shall have a three year Term of Office.
28. All monies received shall be lodged in the Bank by the Treasurer. All claims, after being passed by the Management/Finance Committee, shall be paid by cheque, signed by the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary .Items of major expenditure (lower limit to beset by the County Committee and on the recommendation of the Management Committee)shall have the sanction of the County Committee.
29. The County Committee's Financial Year shall end on October 31st.
30. Referees appointed for County Championship matches and matches in other Competitions under the control of County Board shall be allowed travel expenses as deemed necessary and adequate by the Management/Finance Committee, and a minimum expenses' allowance determined annually by the Management Committee, all of which shall be approved by the County Committee.
31. Each affiliated club shall pay an Annual Levy of €30 with its affiliation for the promotion of each of the following within the County – Camogie, Handball and Ladies Football.
32. Senior Hurling and Football Championship Finals shall be played in the Cork City Divisional area.
33. Players must be numbered for all Club Games. Penalty: €30 per match.
34. In all Press and Poster advertisements of matches within the County the names of competing teams must be shown in Irish only.
Tournaments / Challenge Games
35. All Tournaments, friendly or challenge matches, shall be governed by and must be carried out in accordance with the General Rules of the Association.
(a) All applications for Tournaments and for matches for a prize or trophies, giving names of teams and particulars of draw and trophies, must be accompanied by a permit fee, (Inter- County €40, Inter Club €20) and submitted through the Secretary of an affiliated Club with the approval of Divisional Secretary of the area in which the Tournament or match is to take place. No Tournament match shall take place unless prior sanction has been obtained for date and venue. Club Tournaments shall be confined to a maximum of eight teams and Inter- County Tournaments to four teams, except as otherwise permitted by the Provincial or Central Council. All applications for friendly or challenge matches must be submitted in writing by Club Secretaries concerned stating teams, date, and venue.
(b) Where the Tournament or match is for individual prizes or awards to players, such prizes or awards must consist of trophies or playing equipment manufactured in City or County of Cork. If so required by County Committee or Divisional Committee, the promoters of Tournaments shall deposit all prizes or awards or cash value of same with County or Divisional Secretary before draw takes place or commencement of Tournament, as decided by County Board or Divisional Committee. Cash prizes shall not be awarded.
(c) In the event of County Committee or Divisional Committee concerned not being satisfied with the manner in which a Tournament is being conducted, the County Committee or Divisional Committee shall have the right to withdraw its sanction, to suspend the Tournament, to decide what is to be done with the trophies, and to take any other measures deemed appropriate in the interests of the Association.
36. Referees of Tournament matches must forward their reports of same to County Committee or Divisional Committee, as well as a copy to Tournament Committees, and all objections against Clubs in Tournaments must likewise be lodged with County Committee or Divisional Committee, as appropriate.
37. Senior Inter-County Players shall be only forbidden to play with their Clubs in the 6 days prior to an Inter-County Championship engagement, except for All-Ireland Finals, when 13 days shall apply. In the event of the above, the Player's Club Championship fixtures shall be automatically postponed on application to Divisional Committee or County Committee in question.
In all other grades, 4 days to apply, should the appropriate application be made to the Divisional Committee or County Committee.
38. Holders of championship cups must arrange to have such trophies returned to County Secretary not later than 1st June each year. Where a club fails to comply with this Bye-Law, the County Committee is empowered to collect the trophy or trophies and the club shall be held responsible for any expenses so incurred.
Lists Of Players
39. In cases of Divisional selected teams in Senior Championship ties, the list of names handed to the Referee must contain the names of the particular Clubs from which the players have been selected. Selected players are responsible to their Divisional Committee.
40. The Championship Grades shall be known as Senior, Premier Intermediate, Intermediate, Junior 'A', Junior 'B', Under 21, Premier Minor, Minor 'A', Minor 'B', and Under 16 Hurling; and Senior, Premier Intermediate, Intermediate, Junior 'A', Junior 'B', Under 21, Premier Minor, Minor 'A', Minor 'B', and Under 16 Football.
41. Players forming a Team which wins the Premier Intermediate, Intermediate or Junior Hurling or Football Championship shall go into a more advanced grade.â¨N.B. This shall not to apply in the case of Clubs already having a team in the next highest grade.
42. Divisional Committees may, with the permission of the County Committee, enter a team or teams for the Senior Hurling or Football Championship, representative of the Premier Intermediate, Intermediate and Junior teams, within their respective areas. The status of players so assisting the Division shall not be affected, and they may continue to play with their own Clubs as usual.
No player however, can be selected from a Club which has already got a Senior team in the current Championship, and the registered name of Divisional team must differ from that of any other regularly affiliated club.
43. All application for transfer shall be made on official form. Excepting application for transfer made under Section (e) below, which shall be considered at any meeting of the Competitions Control Committee, no application shall be considered unless received after January 1st and in the case of
(i) A player over the age of 16 – not later than the County Committee Meeting on last Tuesday of January.
(ii) A player under the age of 16 – not later than the last day of February.
This shall apply to all players in all grades except University Students, who are eligible as outlined hereunder. A University student pursuing a full-time undergraduate or post-graduate course may:
(i) Play with his College Club and his Own Club, where the latter is within the County, of a lower grade, and he obtains a permit from the County Committee.
(ii) Play with his College Club in adult competitions and with his Own Club in Under 21 and Minor competitions, where the latter Club is of Senior status within the County, provided that the player obtains a transfer to the College Club from the County Committee.
The Own Club of a University Student is the non-college Club of which he is currently a Playing Member.
The County Committee shall delegate to the Competitions Control Committee, as per General Rule, authority to deal with applications for Transfer.
Applications for Transfer to leave a First Club within the County, that is the Club (or Club within as Independent Team) with which a player first legally participated in Club Competition at Under 12 or over including Go-Games, organised by the County Committee or one of its Sub-Committees, subject to that participation being at an age not more than two years younger than the designated age level of the competition or of the club of which a player is presently a member, shall not be granted except in the following cases.
(a) A player whose family residence is changed to the area of the club to which he wishes to be transferred. A player whose family residence is changed to an area common to two or more clubs, and is presently a member of a club other than those in the area of his residence, shall be entitled to transfer to the club of his choice in the area of his residence.
A player who is a member of a club outside the City Divisional area, and whose family residence is within the City Divisional area shall be entitled to transfer to the club of his choice within the City Divisional area.
A player whose family residence is outside the City Divisional area and is a member of a club outside the parish of his residence may transfer to the club of his choice in the parish of his residence.
A change of address is not required in the case of a player whose family residence is already in the area of the club to which he wishes to be transferred, and who is presently a member of a club which is outside the club area of his residence.
A non-native of Cork who obtained at some time an Inter-County transfer to this County, and does not have a family residence in the County, shall be entitled to avail of the above provisions if he has an otherwise bona fide residence in the area of the Club to which he wishes to transfer.
(b) A player who is applying for transfer to his First Club as outlined above.
(c) Where permission for the transfer of a player from one Club to another within a Parish or area common to two Clubs concerned, is given by the Club of which he is presently a member.
(d) The following shall constitute a change of residence acceptable for the purpose of this Bye Law:
(i) Registration as a student at U.C.C. or C.I.T. for transfers to U.C.C. and C.I.T. respectively.
(ii) Station as a single member of An Gárda Siochána in the Club area of the club to which he wishes to transfer. If the station is situated in an area common to two or more clubs he shall be entitled to transfer to the club of his choice in that area. If the station is in City Divisional area in which there is no club, he shall be entitled to transfer to the Club of his choice within the City Divisional area.
(iii) Station as a Priest in a Parish, in which a Club to which he wishes to transfer is based.
(iv) Employment as a Farm Apprentice for transfer to a Club in the area in which he is working.
(e) A player who has not taken part in any official or trophy competition in the previous number of weeks stipulated below:
(i) A player over the age of 16 – 96 weeks.
(ii) A player eligible for Under 16 and Younger Grades – 48 weeks
(f) A player from a Senior, Premier Intermediate or Intermediate Club may transfer to a Junior Club, when both are within the City Divisional area, and permission of the Club he is leaving is given.
(g) In the case of all applications within the County, the County Competitions Control Committee shall have the right to consider extenuating circumstances in determining applications.
44. A player who is deemed by the County Committee or Divisional Committee to be deliberately not playing with his club for the purpose of circumventing a provision of Bye-Law 42, shall not be eligible for selection on Inter- County or Divisional teams.
45. A player who obtains an Inter-County transfer from Cork to another County and subsequently transfers back to Cork, shall be deemed to have re-joined the club of which he was a member prior to the initial Inter-County transfer.
46. A native and resident of Cork County who plays with a club outside the County without obtaining an Inter-County transfer or Official Association Sanction, and who is subsequently reinstated back to Cork, shall be deemed to have re-joined the club of which he was a member prior to his playing without an Inter-County transfer.
Appeals, Objections, Irregularities
47. In cases under the jurisdiction of Divisional Committees, and the County Youth Committee (Coiste na nÓg), a decision of the Management Committee or the Competitions Control Committee, as appropriate, of the County Committee is final.
(b) The County Committee, Divisional Committees, the County Youth Committee (Coiste na nÓg), may not reverse decisions of Committees appointed to deal with Objections, Counter-Objections or Appeals.
48. Subject to Rule 1.7 O.G., in all objections, counter-objections and appeals, the names of individuals or clubs mentioned shall be in the Irish language.
49. Subject to Rule 7.4 O.G., it shall be the privilege of any member of the County Committee, Divisional Committee or any other authorised Sub- Committee to report in writing within seven days an infringement of the Rules, the member to state the reason for the investigation, such infringement may then be investigated at the discretion of the Committee-in-Charge.
50. Any referee putting a player off the field and not subsequently reporting this player to the appropriate Competitions Control Committee shall be suspended from the Association under Rule 7.2(e) O.G., for at least 24 weeks. This shall apply to all competitions within the County. Procedures outlined in Rule 7.3 O.G. shall apply.
Under-21 Championship Bye-laws
1. All players in the Under-21 Grade shall be under 21 years of age on the first of January in the current year’s competition.
2. The onus of proving legality of players with regard to age rests with the clubs objected to.
3. Any team including illegal players shall forfeit all claim to travelling expenses.
4. Championship fee shall be €8 per team.
5. Divisional Under 21 Championship winners must be in a position to play the first round of the Inter Divisional stages of the respective championship on the middle weekend of June (Football) and 3rd weekend of September (Hurling). Any Division failing to comply with this arrangement shall be automatically eliminated from the respective competitions.
6. Bye-Law 49, Cork County Bye-Laws, contained herein, shall also be applicable to the Under-21 competitions